Many a times i've asked myself "why me? Why this?"... I question God on why He allowss bad things to happen to good people? Wat happened to Good triumphing over bad.. or reaping wat we have sow.. abt the good karma for those who are by nature good...
But then i realised and learnt and was eventually taught that many a times it's better to...
1) Accept that there maybe NO Explanation
It's hard to understand why you work hard but not rewarded accordingly.. why you get scolded for no reason... that you end up doing the worst job that nobody wants.. that you watch your health but end up dieased... that you just lose things that are yours to keep..... you wonder....
2) More Than This Life
As I believe that life is not all we have here on earth... there is another world waiting for us... for eternity...
Even if it is... it's ain't worth living it chasing after material wants...... to end up leaving without being it bring it along... We enter the world with nothing.. we also leave it with nothing.....
As my faith is salvation.. I believe in such a things as heaven... i believe in the God's promise for me... watever it may be... my life here is just a passage or journey... it's not my destination..
Then wat do i want to achieve here then? Wat's my purpose in life? Why am i being placed here? I'm in search for an answer of wat i'm called to do..... i've got dreams.. of something intangible.. of leaving more than a fortune.. a house... a company... these shouldn't even be part of it... I don't wanna be a tai tai no more... I just wanna add more peace, love and joy... to share of my joy.. my love... my completeness in God.. yet this fundamental truth is the hardest...
3) Refinement
For now.. i look at the things i'm doing.. i've found a new found peace.. of knowing that i'm working not because of the money.. not because the job offers great prospects.. not to earn that bonus... not to gain that recognition...
It's through all these i learn wat i'm put here to do.. there is a reason why things happens.. secret reasons that are not mine to know... i look at the job as a refinement of who i'm going to be.. my character, my habits, my thots and deeds.........
It's during those tough times that we grown the most.. "Hard times are the makers or breakers".. it's wat we choose to do.. we may make mistakes, we all do... it's the picking up and learning and changing for the better that's the most important...
4) Simple Truth
The last thing we should never forget.. there is God... if you believe that there is a God out there.. you will know that He is the only one who has the answers... does a inventor not know wat he made his invention for?
The Simple Truth is to believe...... I've been running in this rat race.. i forgot who I am.. wat i believe in... I believe that life's not all about work or money... that I'm here for a greater purpose... that there is no such thing as a dead end....
To believe in wat you really think... not to succumb to situations or accept things the way they are... to make a point to make a chance... To not just stand back and follow the crowd... to think about earning that little bit of money so as to support the family... If the sparrows in the air can do much as not worry about food..... We as superior beings are entitled to much more...
Believe in wat you're called to do... whether it is to love, to give, to receive, to spread joy, to help others... let's not feed the social fabric with hurt, pain and suffering... if only you can choose to BELIEVE.... that things can be change.. you can make a difference.... Big or small..... it's worth it.......
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. - Anatole France
why should good deeds be rewarded? and why must bad deeds be punished? whoever set those "rules" in the first place?
Therefore therein, Grace abounds in much more. To do without expecting, to suffer w/o mourning. Because there is a Lord who cares for us more than we care for ourselves.
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