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Simple Thoughts.... Complex Thinking..... In Search For An Answer

~* Monday, April 17, 2006 *~

I wonder do i come off as rude or is it i have lousy friends... or are those even friends to begin with.. had an incident with a friend today... over something that's just so stupid... she ask me if i wanna chip in for a gift.. asked if i had any suggestions. I was rushing off to a meeting with the managers and partner.. I actually had the decency to reply saying, "kinda busy now.. dunn leh.. you all decide.. wat's the budget?"... then noticed that she sounded quite pissed, replying me, "My dear, everyone is busy... etc etc".. Gosh! I was shocked but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and apolygised if i ever sounded rude but i didn't meant it that way...

This evening, again she tell me on the gift they decided on... so i ask if it's over my $XX budget, count me out.. i'll get my own.. trying to pay off my study loan, not busy any shopping in months.. trying my best to eat at low prices places.. as my "sacrifices i gave up/choices i had to make".. saving up to pay for my CPA course.. taking the bus.. going out less.. giving up travelling to places in order to save up... it's tough.. i don't come from a rich family and it's hard when u start to work and have to pay everything on your own... I've never been stingy, at least not with people who i think are worth spending on... maybe that's a clue for ya! Anyway not like u'll ever read my blog.. some friend...

I know you might be going thru the same thing.. but then it's ur choice u made.. why do u even have to put ur own ideas on me.. doesn't mean what u want to get for someone must be wat i need to get for her too?! Gifts comes from the heart.. not some monetary value placed on it. If that's how shallow u are.. go get a life! I didn't even get any birthday gift from u all.. and i'm not even complaining.... b'cos it's doesn't matter...

Friendships are wat i look for.. not gifts or treats... some pple are just... Urgh!! I don't even know if i can make it for dinner... cos why?! Cos of my job.. I don't have a control over wat time i can end.. if you gotta work, ya gotta work!

Friends.. disappointing.. true friends are hard to find.. starting to just give up on the whole idea... maybe they don't exist no more... I know the whole world doesn't revolve ard me.. don't expect it to... then why why do u expect my life to revolve ard urs or any of ur activities?!?!?! Give me a break!


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Cranberrymist said...

Babe...i think maybe we've been thrown in the deep end of work quite a bit to have picked up things like dealing with work and seniors fast. Perhaps she's still struggling thru, hence her response. Not worth it to be angry with her...

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Maddy said...

Yeah.. but i'm like not even her very close friend.. why would she take it out on me!?!?... if i was i guess i would understand...

Anyway, this post is just really abt her.. so pple.. pls don't get paranoid.. i just need somewhere for me to just let off steam...

Thank cranberrymist for your patience and for listening.. it realy help me to get thru the week.. :D

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Lynch said...

step back, take a deeper breathe, and see this issue tomorrow. you'll find actually, its nothing serious to feel angsty about.

Or at least, guys wont have such problems. Real guys, anyway.

At 1:11 AM, Blogger Maddy said...

Yep.. i'm over it already.. it's not worth getting so work up over..

Met up and felt a strange vibe.. but then again.. maybe it's just me... but who cares!.. haha.. i don't give a damn...

If you don't like me.. it's ur problem.. either live with it or don't ask me out.. but i'm fine with ya.. whenever.. watever...


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