It's been such a week..
Church camp was somewat diff from last year.. not so much of a spiritual high but lessons that i brought home... like
- How my life is some how not wat i really want..
- To straighten my thots and maybe make a real choice for once..
- Humility... that's it's not always important to fight for my own rights..
- Missionaries who gave up their life for God... oh how small and insignificant my problems and struggles really are
- For a victorious Christian life... we need balance... not some lopsided point of view that we deem a steorotypical christian is like...
- To some how not be this "ugly" person that some times just comes out..
To see how God can touch the life of some... a good friend whom i pray would really come to know God as He is... open up.. if you would just... let your guard down.. you would know that God is real...
Redang trip was a blast as..
- Great bonds and friends made
- The closeness to the sea creatures.. the sun, sand and sea...
- The "disconnection" from the rest of the world... my HP has no auto-roam...
- The funny moments of silliness, childlike games, laughter..
- Sharing of our personal life... work seems so much more now...
- A nice sun kissed tan...
Life is the same but my thots have thus shifted radically once again...
I wish now that things would slowly fall into place.. my life, my attitude, my family, my career, my friends, my future mate, my finances.. not as I live.. but as He who lived in me...
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