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Simple Thoughts.... Complex Thinking..... In Search For An Answer

~* Tuesday, August 29, 2006 *~

Every time i have a conversation with you... is just filled with such hurt... such injustice.. such insults.. such rage... such rejection... watever it is.. it ain't good.......

Cos when someone opens their heart... you trample over it..
When you offer a listening ear.. and all misery poured out was so matter-a-factly swepted..
When tears rolled down... you said it brought ya stress and asked me to grow up...
When unstable steps were taken in a time of distress and I called up for comfort... you said it was like that from the start..

Telling me things that I knew all along... you offered a listening ear.. a shoulder for support..
All of which wasn't provided... maybe it's revenge.. maybe it's a reap what i've sow... then i guess i've had enough.. of it ... of you...

Then tell me how can one experience growth when it's shot down on attempt...
Pushed away with a brush of the eye....

Don't worry.. as i've said it has all come to an end... with you would be just
cheery thots... a fake mask like how the everyone esle enjoyed...
Where Life is always going on a smooth path.... and of cos... Positivity abound..
Cos you've closed the door... slamed it shut...

Don't ask me why... don't tell me to be positive.. cos now... "NOW" I am positive and I am always GREAT! Welcome... to the rest of the world.. enjoy! :D


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