We're at Nanjing check out the nice night lights.......
This is the Art Professor who gave up his career to paint crystal balls to raise funds to maintain the Nanjing Bridge so that the commoner won't have to be taxed on it...
This legendary beast.. I forgot the name.. heh.. suppose to bring good fortune. health etc etc.. but I say "Slay the Beast!!"
This is outside the place where the firm the "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms"
I'm in Paris!! under the famous Arch...
We're Finally at Shanghai!! At Xin Tian Di!! It's a chill out really modern western place...
And this nice Bakery!! And guess who it reminds me of?!?!? lol...
And beside the nice cool chill out drinking well.. it's none other than PWC!! very much like Singapore don't u think? next to Far East Square...
Proof that I'm there!! :P
Look at our resturant?!?!? it's a Dragon boat.......
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