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Simple Thoughts.... Complex Thinking..... In Search For An Answer |
~* Thursday, April 28, 2005 *~ Today some questions came to mind.. Can we place a value on friendship? Which indirectly links to can you measure such a relationship? then in order to do that how much is the person worth? What are the the measures to derive such a value? I Googled it and i came across the following: 1) I completed a quiz to the best of my ability, this is my result: I am worth $1,969,410.00 on HumanForSale.com 2) A touching story came up.. we are worth on how much we earn in an hour. What's your rate? 3) Compensation.. This is consistent with many other sites for career and job search popping up. 4)"You're priceless, of course. But it can pay to quantify your financial assets and liabilities." is another answer.. what you own. This calculation template might help u price ur net worth. 5) How about how much tax u pay?! This is funny! Look at the letter... 6) Oh even insurance providers have an ans for how much we are worth! Wah... u better pay attention over here.. If u happen to lose any body part.. take calculated risk! 7) For pple with hearing disability.. there is even a formula... oh yeah.. it's true.. can u believe this shit!?!?!?! 8) This gets better.. there is a value for the data you are giving out... for things like your phone number, IC number or even your address.. Next time bring along this Data Calculator when u head out.. when some1 ask u about/for something, charge it! ;) 9) We never lose our value.. we do not depreciate.. no matter wat we go thru'... wah.. we are special... so lesson learnt. 10) Ending off on the TOPS.. ANS: Jesus paid the ultimate price for you... By Far this is the best! *To obtain full benefits, pls refer to hyperlinks for full story & pls do try out items 1, 4 & 8! It's fun! This is indeed an eye opener... okie now for my version: 1) The experiences and lessons learnt from what we have been through... 2) The lifes we have touched... Are you making a difference in this world? 3) The people we have in our lives.. the more the merrier! But then again.. quality is more more important than quatity. 4) The person's character, attitude, values and beliefs.... what lies beneath.. need i say more? 5) The words that you say... u know whether do they mean anything or it is just plain gossip, insensitive remarks.. or they are about the truth, sincere and kind. Let's be kind in our words.. u nv know who u are going to hurt. Think of the tools in a tool-box: there is a hammer, pliers, a saw, a screwdriver, a rule, a glue-pot, nails and screws. The function of words are as diverse as the functions of these objects. - Ludwig Wittgenstein 6) Our priorities... where you build your treasure is where your heart is... 7) Your sacrifices.. what u give up reflects what sort of person you are.. 8) Who do you love? Is it God, your family, your boyfriend/girfriend, your friends, your posessions? 9) How you spend your money? it does shows the things u value... be it spend on a diamond necklace, or a dinner, or a investment.. what are the compositions of ur spending? 10) The ability to adapt, to overcome difficulties and failures.. we have all been through rough patches, heartbreaks, setbacks, mistakes.. but being able to bounce back to become a person greater than what you were.. that's invaluable! To it end off.. how much are u really worth? I think we are all not perfect.. as long as we make up for our flaws with other areas.. it is sufficient for us to have a good "whole package".. u look at each person as a whole.. not in one area alone.. so now do ur maths.. So am i worth ur while? or are u worth mine? |
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