This distance thing is getting to me.. may it be thing/friend/someone.. like how all my friend are at work.. & i'm the only one bumming at home.. like how my lappy is usable but can't use it with the internet, so it's virtually just left to collect dust... like how someone is oh so far & out of reach, but yet so near...
Is proximity such an important thing is our now mobile society? Where we can remain in contact with a click of the mouse, a dial on the telephony, the sending of smses.. where we have friends & relatives from around the world, from China to Germany to Denmark to Australia... Advances in technology such as the webcam or sending of digital pics which travels at light speed across continents has put our snail mail to shame..
But the smile you see when u on ur webcam, the animated facial expressions or those postcard scenery pics that you receive.. tells of a million words.. but all of these can however never replace the charm of the old days... when u can't wait to open your letter box, of ripping open the letter & see that oh so familiar handwriting... or spots of coffee stain that may have been left behind by accident... or in the envelop that handmade special pressies of bookmarks, or cutouts or greeting cards..
It's a totally different satisfaction you get when you know that the sender make that extra effort... to handwrite, to get the stamp, to drop it off at the post office.. & to seal it with love..
So is distance such a big thing? Out of sight, out of mind? It really depends.. there are so many proves of success of people who just keep their friendship/relationships going on so strongly over like 2-5 years.. it's unbelieveable how these people do it.. i mean it is but it really requires lots of effort & sacrifice... & understanding... There are also pple who you dun see for ages even if they are in s'pore and yet when you meet, it as if you have never left each other for a day.. cos they is just so much to say & the chemistry is there...
Proximity, is it just a perception of the mind? Maybe you are how close you perceive.. doesn't matter if you are living in the same district or across oceans.. and we all have the power to control that.. distance is just one obstacle that can be overcome with sdjustments, with good communication.. cos most of the times.. friendships/relationship fail due to other things such as jealousy, hurt feelings, anger etc etc...
Distance.. wat is it exactly? It can be the way you are feeling.. as in feeling distanced... or the way you put urself... like i wanna distance myself.. it can be a physical distance... expressed in km, m, cm? Wat's the distance from the sky? there is really no answer... like each person has their own story, their own opnion... These sort of stuff you can't just put a finger on it right away..
Til i pack my bags and intend to make my living in a whole new culture and country which is like a zillion years away & like virtually sound incredulious.. yes i know.. i haven't even started working yet! But i gotta think big & far and make grand ridiculous plans first right? if not i'm won't be maddy anymore.. hahaha...

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ah siao will always be ah siao... *sigh* lol
U are too much! Urgh!! :P
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