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Simple Thoughts.... Complex Thinking..... In Search For An Answer

~* Thursday, April 28, 2005 *~

Today some questions came to mind.. Can we place a value on friendship? Which indirectly links to can you measure such a relationship? then in order to do that how much is the person worth? What are the the measures to derive such a value? I Googled it and i came across the following:

1) I completed a quiz to the best of my ability, this is my result: I am worth $1,969,410.00 on HumanForSale.com

2) A touching story came up.. we are worth on how much we earn in an hour. What's your rate?

3) Compensation.. This is consistent with many other sites for career and job search popping up.

4)"You're priceless, of course. But it can pay to quantify your financial assets and liabilities." is another answer.. what you own. This calculation template might help u price ur net worth.

5) How about how much tax u pay?! This is funny! Look at the letter...

6) Oh even insurance providers have an ans for how much we are worth! Wah... u better pay attention over here.. If u happen to lose any body part.. take calculated risk!

7) For pple with hearing disability.. there is even a formula... oh yeah.. it's true.. can u believe this shit!?!?!?!

8) This gets better.. there is a value for the data you are giving out... for things like your phone number, IC number or even your address.. Next time bring along this Data Calculator when u head out.. when some1 ask u about/for something, charge it! ;)

9) We never lose our value.. we do not depreciate.. no matter wat we go thru'... wah.. we are special... so lesson learnt.

10) Ending off on the TOPS.. ANS: Jesus paid the ultimate price for you... By Far this is the best!

*To obtain full benefits, pls refer to hyperlinks for full story & pls do try out items 1, 4 & 8! It's fun!

This is indeed an eye opener... okie now for my version:

1) The experiences and lessons learnt from what we have been through...

2) The lifes we have touched... Are you making a difference in this world?

3) The people we have in our lives.. the more the merrier! But then again.. quality is more more important than quatity.

4) The person's character, attitude, values and beliefs.... what lies beneath.. need i say more?

5) The words that you say... u know whether do they mean anything or it is just plain gossip, insensitive remarks.. or they are about the truth, sincere and kind. Let's be kind in our words.. u nv know who u are going to hurt.

Think of the tools in a tool-box: there is a hammer, pliers, a saw, a screwdriver, a rule, a glue-pot, nails and screws. The function of words are as diverse as the functions of these objects. - Ludwig Wittgenstein

6) Our priorities... where you build your treasure is where your heart is...

7) Your sacrifices.. what u give up reflects what sort of person you are..

8) Who do you love? Is it God, your family, your boyfriend/girfriend, your friends, your posessions?

9) How you spend your money? it does shows the things u value... be it spend on a diamond necklace, or a dinner, or a investment.. what are the compositions of ur spending?

10) The ability to adapt, to overcome difficulties and failures.. we have all been through rough patches, heartbreaks, setbacks, mistakes.. but being able to bounce back to become a person greater than what you were.. that's invaluable!

To it end off.. how much are u really worth? I think we are all not perfect.. as long as we make up for our flaws with other areas.. it is sufficient for us to have a good "whole package".. u look at each person as a whole.. not in one area alone.. so now do ur maths.. So am i worth ur while? or are u worth mine?


~* Wednesday, April 27, 2005 *~

Tonite i had a great time.. went out blading with my bestest pal..
Still healing from my last fall which left a hole on my finger.. *Boo hoo*
I was up on not getting any new injuries tonite..

The nite was cool.. very breezy..
But trying to blade against the wind... woah! Hard work
The payoff was when we end up at Bedok Jetty...
But he made a lousy choice for the drink - Diluted pineapple drink
(the syrup type with pineapply bits in it!)
"Wah Lau.. nvm.. next time must look at the colour!"

A great time bonding.. sharing about our "new updates" in our lifes
About God and how we have all changed over the years..
Our friendship goes back a long way.. 8 years.. ok dun count the 2 yrs we lost contact
My fault lah... next time won't happen again.. promise!

It's a damn good workout lor.. by the time i reach Ford Rd..
My butt was soaked in perspiration...
wah counting the run at the gym & swim at the pool yesterday..
I'm now learning the T-brake.. not easy!
But need to learn if not i'm going to crash.. dun wanna blade into anymore bushes

Then off for Feng Shan Bak Chor Mee!! Favourite Ah!!
When since i'm staying awake til 6am! i need food wat!
Then later a nice drive back hm.. with windows down & doing my usual singalong...
MIL vs PSV on TV! Wat a great match today.. MIL 2.. PSV nil...
The fight was a close call.. both pitting aggressively against one another.
I am for MIL of cos... ooh those cute guys.. Italians are yummy.. like my italian prof...

I am done for the nite... A day well spent... An enjoyable nite... A friend that i will always treasure...


~* Tuesday, April 26, 2005 *~

You don’t have a clue, says the power drill
to the canoe hanging from the rafters.
Is life a contest everything plays
by different rules for different prizes?
You’re really worthless, aren’t you?
barks the cherry tree covered with eponymous
fruit to the wagon lying on its side.
Unfair! Wasn’t that wagon not two days ago
leading the parade, the puppy refusing
to wear her hat? Can’t you just leave me
alone? says the big picture of Marilyn
Monroe behind her nonreflective glass.
Is the universe infinity in ruckus
and wrack? The third grader loose
in dishwares, the geo-tech
weeping on the beach. Mine, mine,
says the squirrel to the transformer,
unclear on the capacities of electricity.
String of Christmas lights tangled with
extension cords, can’t you work things out?
The young couple takes a step toward the altar,
increasing the magnetic force that sends
ex-lovers whirling off into nether nebulae
but attracting mothers-in-law. In one wing,
the oxygen mask taken from the famous writer
of terza rema glee while in another
an infant arrives, loudly disappointed
to have to do everything now himself,
no longer able to breathe under water.
Will we never see our dead friends again?
A motorcycle roars on the terrible screw
of the parking structure, lava
heaves itself into the frigid strait.

From Elegy on Toy Piano, by Dean Young, © 2005. Reprinted with permission of the University of Pittsburgh Press.

I thot things have change.. i thot u were more matured.. but i was wrong.. my good intentions mistaken.. nothing more nothing less...

"It's precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life." - Max Frisch


First of all.. I wanna know if I still got it?! ; )

How Much Fun Are You?

Full-Throttle Fun Seeker

Because you're so high-energy and up for adventure, it's easy to see why friends and guys gravitate your way. "You crave excitement and get an adrenaline rush from constantly having your social calendar jam-packed," says New York City clinical psychologist Debra Rosenzweig, Ph.D. "While it's great to allow yourself to have fun, you still need to keep it in check so the rest of your life doesn't get out of balance." Plus, your always-up-for-it vibe can be exhausting for your less-up-for-anything friends. We're not saying to ban all of your shake-your-booty nights and wild dates in favor of zoning out on the couch, but incorporate a few more chill-out activities into your agenda.

Yeah man! I'm cool! :D
okie now to see if i can read myself well enough.... Do i know who i really am?

How Well Do You Know Yourself?

maddy wan, you are highly knowledgeable about your own self.

During this test you answered questions which measured how well you know your own self. Based on your scores, we could conclude that you have more than a fair share of knowledge about your own self.
You know yourself pretty well and are usually honest with yourself. You are well aware of your strengths and weaknesses and feel no shame in admitting (to yourself only, maybe) if you are wrong or have made a mistake. Introspection and self-discovery probably interest you a lot.

Of cos i know myself.. toot man! why would i even attempt the quiz anyway...
Okie my question of the day.. "dah"...what job?

Whose Job Will You Take?

See ya, Donald Trump.

maddy wan, you've got great judgment just look at your organized and balanced schedule, not to mention your great ideas that always wind up working. Giving it your all (and toppling the competition) to reach your goals is a given. You're sure to make a name for yourself in any cash-making market you choose.

Wow! I have the potential to be Donald Trump! I do have an impersonation of him once for a presentation.. does it count? (Scroll down to see)
Anyway.. does it mean I will be Rich Rich Rich $$$$$

Will You Be Rich?

maddy wan, you will be a Richie Rich

Wow! You're well informed on what to do with the money you make and totally motivated to earn more. You'd rather wait and buy something for yourself than borrow the cash from friends and family -- who by the way, are really glad about that! Now you're only dilemma is how to deal with the people who'll be trying to mooch off of you!

Oh boy! I'm going to be Richie Rich.. so who cares about what job i do... i know what to do with money!.. but opps.. gotta make some $$ first to begin with.. damn! Well.. let me see.. things i need to get with my first pay check, in no particular order:

1)New 3G phone with Camera

2) A new super duper cool Digi Cam

3) A whole new wardrobe

4) A new Apple lappy

5) Skin care products.. need to maintain my good looks :P

6) Working hard needs treats to relax :spa, facial, massages

7) A new Car of my own.. thinking abt a retro beetle but then high maintenance.. how about a new Lancer or Subaru.. too bengish.. Maybe a jeep, a suzuki jimmy! It'll be all white with white rims..

8) Nice dinner outings, chilling out sessions, coffee drinking along with sumptuous desserts to boot.. Not forgetting a big dinner for mom & pops, they are the reason for my existence.

9) A gym membership: need to be fit & healthy

10) A new Hi-fi, entertainment system for my roomie

okie i better stop or esle i will not only empty my pockets but end up in debts... no no.. I have self-control.. I do!
All these thinking making me hungry for... ICE-CREAM... what's my flavour?

What is Your Ice-cream Personality?

maddy wan, your ice cream flavor is Chocolate.

You are a sort of mysterious color, a bit consistent and sometimes rude but your thoughts wander and no one can expect what you are going to do next.

Um.. heard that mom got some ice-cream in the freezer.. maybe i shld make a trip downstairs to the kitchen to see that it is safely away from wolfy.. dun want him eating it u know... so catch ya later! hee heee...

Try out these quizzes at:



Featuring Maddy as Donald Trump


~* Monday, April 25, 2005 *~


"Life is full of "opposites".. i am feeling overwhelmed yet at the same time i am not..
Overwhelmed with thots, desires, fears, ambitions, knowledge yet at the same time i'm a blank piece of paper; of unwritten expectations, dreams, hopes and ignorance.
I wish to go forth at full speed but i choose to hold back as well...
I wanna hold on tight to some friendships, relationships, kinship, however disappointment also leave me wondering wat's it worth?

Feelings of peace, fulfilment, love, satisfaction, happiness against that of anger, regret, jealousy, compulsion,vengeance..
Promises were made, words were exchanged, share memories were remember, but they are all in the past.. do u still seek them or throw them all away?
Some write to remember, to record, to put into existence while others write to forget, to forsake...
This puzzle, this maze, this merry-go-round... pulling "opposites" together as we consider.
I stand here in the gap of the two.. lost and dumbfounded not knowing what to do..."

These past fews weeks have been soaked with happy memories of gatherings, blading sessions, late night makan, a stroll in park, greeting of new found friends, meetings with God...
I found a new inner peace within myself filled with satisfaction. A humour on the theories of life and a new alignment of the "right" perspectives. I feel something churning deep within, a change in the air, a distinct indescribable feeling i can't comprehend. That's the side i'm willing to share.. the rest is something we are have to deal with.. u & me alike.. of the uncertainties & negativity. I've conquered it i suppose.. cos i believe in me.


~* Sunday, April 24, 2005 *~

Drifting is something that is here to stay and at the same time catching up with many other countries.. too bad it is not here is S'pore yet. Damn it! The best players are in Japan! I'm just getting into the drift... whole nite spent checking out the graphics design on those babies.. and watching video after video..

U can view them from the following links:


Drifting Explained!

Watch the Trailer for Pure Drifting!

Drifting a JUN-prepared Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 5 (4.97 Mb)

it is gonna be such a treat for ur eyes!



Yellow hottie up close and personal... wooh... Posted by Hello



The front one trys to pull away while the one at the back gets as near as possible.. this is a great shot of how close they can get when drifting. This is true talent! Posted by Hello



Catch the smoking on this one! Posted by Hello


~* Saturday, April 23, 2005 *~

I have procrastinated for sending in my letter to DT for turning down their job offer and I finally got down to doing it late last nite.. I didn’t wan to deprive other people who were applying for positions there… but Yes I have decided to go to PWC.. that is if I am planning to go into the assurance line of work.

I still have my qualms about what I want to do in future. I have a degree in accountancy and a major in finance.. so I can go both ways.. to work something that is finance related or to do something that is accounting based.

Today I went for a career talk at Philip Capital.. they were recruiting for equities trader.. Wah lau! Trading in shares!.. it’s how exciting! I would love to take up the challenge! But the downside is that for the first year u are sort of left on ur own.. u have to get ur own customer base similar to that of an insurance agent, a personal banker sort of thing.. I’m really not interested in that! But at the same time I know I have to start somewhere.. so no harm apply for it rite? So I submitted the application form after the talk.. Well, I like their office.. the atmosphere there however was not so great.. I’m also not that impressed with the person presenting and showing us around during our office tour.. he is um.. like a wannabe.. there but not there yet! Can’t stand this type.. eeeiii… He was wearing a blazer with gold buttons! Make him look like a ship captain.. the office had these small walkways.. the walks was white with stripes.. Grace and I agreed that it looked like the interior a cruise ship!

Then I’m also thinking about doing something in banking or doing analyst sort of jobs.. just somehow feel that I’m not really to start in audit… but yet I recognize that it is a good stepping stone.. a safe one I must say.. wat am I to do?! I’m feeling lost..

Here is my mcq… which one would u pick? Given the options:

I should pick the job that is:
1) Highly paid, good benefits and bonus
2) Exciting & challenging
3) A place with a great working culture and people
4) Good career prospects
5) Steep learning curve for self-enrichment

ANS: I have no clue! I want them all!

Well, maybe some career advice would help.. what do u think? When u see me.. what job title can u see printed on my face? Tell me! Tell me!


~* Friday, April 22, 2005 *~

I 've got 3 for me today:

Tricia: Party Hats locked in a dark room.
Patricia: A peaceful pond with a frog which leaps high and far away.
Zhian Ming: Resemble Peter in book of John.. but God loves you.. Don't have to prove yourself.

Um... Wow! God has spoken.. it's just how to go from here... i wonder if u all can relate.. but then God works in wonderful ways!


~* Thursday, April 21, 2005 *~


Round and around the merry go round with My Birthday Gal on weds nite!! I hope u like our gift! Make sure u use it! :D



Today we had AMA presentation! It was okie i guess cos prof didn't say anything much.. but we had some problems answering the questions post by some of our coursemates but thank God, we have some "Knights" in shinnig armour coming to our rescue! A "black knight" in particular did most of the answering.. black cos he is super dark but he is chinese though.. Wah... such a gentlemen! Um.. impressed! How abt those sneaking glances? Wonder which one of us he is looking ah? muhahaha... ; )


"A rub a tub tub at the shower then off to sch..
Driving along to the sound of the radio
Flicking between stations of pop, rock, classics and the uncontemporary beats of Lush
Under the glare of the sun,
A last minute sprint to make it on time..
As though rushing out of a collapsing mine

Sing-a-long, Sing-a-long..
Then up and away to the study room
Setting up my lappy and my morning brunch i settled in comfortably
Mouse on my right, "neccessities" (such as HP, water bottles etc) on my left, alongside my lappy
Chattering away to the discussion sway
All in hope that it will end as the day"

By Madeleine Wan Professional Poet Wanna-be featured in "THE POET DIGEST"

Today was a typical day at school today.. nothing much just project work all day long.
Dinner was nice when we went off to celebrate a friend's birthday!
Now back hm after completing an online personality test from some company... was falling asleep while attempting to do it.. woah am i tired! It chartered your abilities according to a pyramid order.. I passed with "Excellence" on the top but um.. my last was "Ethics & Intergrity".. am i in the right line?!?! Oppss.. it's too late anyway...

What caught me thinking after the test is whether i do like challenges? am I a risk taker? am i a perfectionist? I believe i'm all that.. self bias theory in play! : P
But what i do know is that i'm a keen learner.. interested in doing everything new and exciting! That's why i'm gonna take up horseriding and fencing! I wonder what's next on the list.. i told about golfing, wind surfing, snow boarding, tennis.... u know the drift!

A nice chat online with Mr.. u know who... but too bad it's not going anywhere... haha
Then now i'm off to bed now! Good nitezy!


~* Wednesday, April 20, 2005 *~


A nite view of smu.. romantic eh? Now, where is my romeo? Posted by Hello



A post exam ice-cream at sixth avenue! oh yeah... gelato! Yummy! Posted by Hello


I have a mixed feeling for life during modified term in sch.. It is like

Up side:
More free time with only 2 modules currently
Late classes at 12pm & 3:30pm.. i get to sleep in late! :D
Better internet connection, not too many pple jamming the network
More parking lots
Lots of free group study rooms available.. Dun need to book or cramm in as many pple..
The wait for the lifts are shorter.. much needed for my mad rush to class
A good time for me to savour the SMU for the last time... to enjoy the nature, the buildings.. my classes and those last projects... Ooh.. i miss it alrdy!

Down side:
No more snack store at ficus.. even ficus is closing down..
No more booklink to get those during break titbits & coffee to keep myself awake during classes
Nobody to meet up for lunch or gossip sessions at vietnam cafe
A ghost town in sch
Library closes at 6pm! Wah lau... wanna go use the copier! Wasted!
Miss seeing familar faces around campus.. or even the crowd.. the whole atmosphere is diff!
I gonna miss the friends i made in school.. all of ya! Thanks for making a change to my life..

I happen to think the down side covers the plus side.. i prefer normal term better.. wonder how life will be like at the new campus.. too bad i dun get a change to see or experience it... But hey! I can always go back to sch for a visit! Looking forward to it.. looking forward for graduation.. Looking forward for my new Life! How about u?


~* Tuesday, April 19, 2005 *~

Today i was talking to my bro, talking about work, about cars, about my trip to Australia...
There are so many thing that i want.. take cars for instance.. a whole list of them came to my head.. with each comment i change my mind... About the job that i want in the future.. i'm open to new experiences but still undecided on wat.. Oh on guys as well.. this one is good this one is bad... haiz.. it's not a game!

My flicker mindedness has become more apparent.. to me..
Am i going to wonder thru life like this? No way!! Yet this fustration i have no clue to resolve..
just proof of what i'm trying to bring across...

My mind full of thoughts running thru' my head.. all rushing by.... yet i take pleasure in the mad rush to be occupied.. to participate..

To live a life of flickermindedness i would not allow.. but to be immerse in all these wondering thots... aha! Madness... so much for my name Maddy.. it fits perfectly ;)


~* Monday, April 18, 2005 *~

My weekend was awesome... Let's see.. Sat morning, an efficient project meeting breezing by, a meeting with a certain new bie of exotic funky hair-do.. painted alternating black & white nails.. a rare & costly find of a snake skinned cased filled with customed pool que to boot.. he is a unique character indeed! It was then to the movies to watch a cute, love story of a korean gal in "S Diary".. humorous and romantic.. yet places our reality in check for those heartbreaking truths and moving on... after that it is off to meet my bestest sec sch pals for a hearty steamboat dinner at golden mile.. soccer watching at MS and finally ending it off at liquid room to a heart tromping hip hop beat.

Sunday morning came as a struggle to get off the bed into the shower then off to church! Church was a blast! Getting more and more closer to God, nothing beats that! The worship, the sharing of the word.. God speaking to me.. a soulful and spirit filled encounter. Then off for blading at my fav east coast park with my bestest friend, a little sis and a new friend made.. freely blading to the sound of the waves, striding along to the wind, all under the blazing of the warmth from Mr. Sun.. yea... heavening! Down the way to jetty & back.. meeting my cutesy renee and bubbly xiaoting from sch.. & how abt blading into a bush to avoid a poor kid on her bicycle! Talk abt self sacrifice! haha.. my heroic act of the Day! I'm Super Maddy! :P

While whizing along the highway.. came driving down was a silver Z3.. woah.. must i say more.. my heart beat faster & i grow weak in my knees.. the eye candy of the day! The sleekness, the feel, the look, the style, the finish.. My highlight of the evening! Later, dinner was spent on catching up.. bonding.. and sharing like old times... then off hm to do my neverending project work.. What's new?!

That's my fun filled weekend for ya! So many things to do but so little time... that's why the saying goes,
"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. "

Now, at the wee hours in the morning, i'm left with a little time for myself.. to sort out my thoughts and for self reflection. This weekend made me realized how happy i reallly am.. to be able to enjoy these simple pleasures in life.. the company of friends, a lovely movie, glorious food, blading by the beach. Even now.. with wolfy by my side.. my companion for the night; every night.. a blissful life this is.. this life God has given to me.. I am being to appreciate it more and more each passing day. Thank you God! It's like having the secrets of life in the my hands.. it is a blessing to satisfied with the smallest things in life.. sit back and a.p.p.r.e.c.i.a.t.e.


~* Saturday, April 16, 2005 *~



Looking thru' my eyes into the world... or lens as a matter of fact... Posted by Hello



It is fucking 4:43 am in the morning! & you know what i am up doing... this sickening AMA project on deccentralization.. it is so gross.. this article i'm reading... urgh! i'm just gonna give up.. done enough research and info on the M-form structure.. if u even know what i'm talking about.

Well, today went great! I was at NUS doing some evangalism work for church! Yoo hoo!! A* for effort! It wasn't easy but yeah it sure feels good knowing that i'm doing something meaningful...

The exams are over but yeah i'm still stuck with the modified term.. life is a bore... with projects and all still ongoing... yucks!

Today's topic for reflection is on freedom...

Do we actually have that at all?
Come to think about it, we judge others in a split of a sec!
I'm sure others do the same..
Each of us have a role to play, a image that we have create for others about ourselves
but is that who we really are?

This question is stuck in my head..
Do we really have freedom of expression?
We are who we are but are we really who we are?
We have our beliefs, values, ideas, expectations.. etc etc etc..
This is a fine line on how much we really cross over from one side to the other
As we find meaning in our mixed up, confused, flickered perceptions of our reality.

This is not a solemn, mind u! *u know who i'm refering to*
but clouds of imagination together with mindful thinking...
"mindfulness".. a term learnt in my intelligence organization module
on being aware of ur thots... oh man! i'm applying what i've learnt!
So i get additional marks here?! haha

Here i intend to have the illusory freedom to say what i like and feel!
At this ungodly hour, i'm feeling great!
Because of the fact that I'm free,
free to do watever i want;
free from relationships;
free from parental control;
free from keeping my mouth shut;
free from myself;
Freedom to go on & on & on & on... but enough said!

Lastly, to end on a loving note:

"The bestowal of freedom is the bestowal of love. And only love can save the world." B'cos God loves the world... :D


~* Friday, April 15, 2005 *~

My school life is finally coming to an end soon and i would be graduating really soon! This pushes me to think about how is life gonna be after that. Well, here are some of my thots...

We started out thinking,
Of the things that are gonna to happen.
Along this new journey through the path of life,
A one most have taken, the "safe route" they call it
A learning experience!

Now near the end of this path is a bridge to another
It's the end of one, yet the beginning of another...
It leads me to ponder of our ongoing struggle,
Our endless efforts directed towards the future..
As a young bird waiting to spread my wings,
I look forward for the many spendor it brings...

I wanted a perfect ending,
But i've learned,
the hard way,
that some poems don't rhyme,
and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
& at times,
some things have no happy ending...

Though we do not know what the road ahead might bring,
it is this part of life that intrigues us.
To take the moment and make the best of it,
Not going what is going to happen next.
Aw, Delicious ambiguity...

"Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living."