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![]() Simple Thoughts.... Complex Thinking..... In Search For An Answer |
~* Thursday, June 30, 2005 *~ ![]() Then i did lost of shopping too! I think i got this wierd disease that just attracts me to all things pink!! or near pink.. like purple.. & bough chocolates too! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Had this spicy Tom Yam Noodle at one of the thai cafes.. here is like asian town.. I've been eating all sorts of Asian food. Vietnam, Chinese, Indonesian & Thai so far.. ![]() ![]() ~* Monday, June 27, 2005 *~ I'm on the top of the world now literally.. looking out of my window i can see red mountains, i believe we are flying across the Australia Continent alrdy, it's like those commercials you see on TV, the red Australian Outback.. It's all desert.. mountains or cliffs.. the neverending land... the clear skies... Then the plan slowly ascends again, i wonder why? did the pilot descend to enjoy the view? if it is so.. he got a darn good job.. enjoying such a view regularly. Then the skies slowly filled up with patches of soft fluffy white clouds. We go up & up.. the plane rises above the clouds, you can see the sun blazing on the couds seeping thru' shinning on the land below.. It's amazing... How did I made it here on this trip? On the aeroplane? I thot og someone, the person is none other than my mom, of how she worked so hard.. all her life to provide for me.. for me to go on one wonderful holiday after another...Suddenly I wanna work hard so that i can take care of her when she grows old.. to be able to bring her on holiday.. right now, she is the most important person in my life.. While i am lookijng at the entire sky, I am in awe of God's creation.. of how small & insignificant we really are but yet how much he loves us.. I"m feeling so special.. to be a child of God.. I feel so complete with just me and my God. I looked back and saw how God brough me so far... He saw me thru all my ups and downs.. He gave me hope, love and a life that is full of His grace.. I couldn't have done it on my own. Many people think they dun need God or think they are God. I respect your opnion but this is mine.. You may get along just fine in life, but wat if fine isn't enough?.. What if you hit a big life crisis? Do you have the strenght to pull urself thru it? Many of the times.. we do not, we rely on some1 esle.. pple will always fail u.. you can only rely on God! This is a lesson which i learnt and cherish.. Have you ever experience God before? I think not, when you can actually feel his presence & speak to Him... when you can be filled with the Holy Spirit.. you will be changed.. thi is not something I can describe or share with you. You have gotta experience it for yourself.. so as i am on the top of the world flying in the sky & having a conversation with God, no words can describe the spendour I'm feeling... Hope you have an encounter with God today.. God Bless Ya! ![]() ![]() Hey pple.. I'm setting off for my trip alrdy early tomorrow morning.. can u believe it? I think my luggage is overweight!! more than 20 kg alrdy.. but that's not cos of all my things.. helping Daniel bring some stuff over lah.. but still got loads of things to bring.. i terribly big luggage!! I wonder if i can handle it?! wah pian!... I'm like just done packing, some typing for my dad and got time to settle down but kinda too excited to sleep.. but gonna try cos need the rest.. i dun wanna go there with Big eye bags.. Dun worry, even though i'll only be back on the 18th Jul.. I'll be online on & off... blogging, msning and u can even web cam with me! so seeya...... I'm going to miss all of ya & my wolfy boy! ![]() ![]() ~* Sunday, June 26, 2005 *~ I've been packing my stuff for my Aussie trip, trying to pack as light as possible but there is still so many things i have to bring... lucky i got a damn big suitcase! Weiyang has finally sent me the pics.. so can post a few up for ur viewing pleasure.. & some which we took while celebrating min li's birthday.. but kinda blur some technical problem i guess... I did something meaningful today.. i went for this "Care to Dance" program set up by the YMCA where I had the chance to have a good at Lindy Hop and later headed down to Assumption Sch to teach the kids from MINDS how to dance. They were having a 3 day camp, where we were part of their program for their 1st day.. After seeing them, it really pains my heart to see that the difficulties they have to face everyday, some had trouble walking.. others were really old but still had the mind of a toddler. We each buddy up with one of them and bring them thru the simple steps and mainly to interact, guiding them along so that they can have a good time! Even simple activities like these make them really happy as they try their best to imitate our actions.. they were laughing and just so innocent... sometimes it's nice to enjoy simple small things... Dance is a little insanity that does us all a lot of good. - Edward Demby I was buddy with this boy at a point in time.. he can't even remember his name! so guess wat!? we name him "handsome boy"... it was really difficult talking to him, as he speack in a sler which i could barely understand.. then his coordination was very bad.. being a step slower then most of the others, but he was so loving, giving hugs and saying that everybody is his friends.. so cute! As i see the difficulties they have to face in their life.. to live life each day.. needing someone to take care of them round the clock.. not able to transcend their basic mental level of understanding.. R they missing out on life? or is their ignorance blissful? It bring a joy to my heart knowing that i made someone esle's day today.. even though it is a small action.. it is a satisfaction to help those less fortunate then ourselves.. i'm not trying to be Mother Teresa or something.. it's just something i would encourage you to try out.. so far most of the community service I have done or feedback from my friends have been nothing but positive! Made some new friends there as well! :D This is the type of difference i wanna make.. not how i boost the financial figures of big companies.. the car I drive.. the money i make... the struggle that i have to fight of practicality, materialism with the pulling of my heart strings, spirituality & world peace... haha... well, you get the picture.. so Wat do i really wanna do with my life? I ask myself that qn everyday.. somedays it is clear, some days loopsided, some days i dun have a clue... Not in much of a talking mood today, sorry to those who attempted to call me.. i'm just kinda drained and since i am at hm.. just wanna enjoy the nice peace and quiet of the night.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ~* Friday, June 24, 2005 *~ I'm now at CIT.. getting my lappy fixed...FINALLY I can reunite with my baby!... U know I saw Bryan, the cute TA guy from my gene cell.. he was working at CIT, but then at first glance, I had no idea who it was?! but just continues talking talking like i know him.. only much later i recalled who it was and confirmed it with Jiayi who accompanied me! So good rite my bestest friend!? hee hee... I've been out and running without any rest for the last few days, meeting up with my smu family.. We sure spill out beans last nite! Damn happening!!... & last nite when down to check out the new place which took over Centro, cos just had to meet up with the gang cos Lee is back for good b4 i head off for a long trip to aussie land... But now i'm just tired, loving my new "Do", my fast paced lifestyle, not working, filled with people who i love who love me... I wish my life would just stop here.. I wish... These few weeks has been a hectic run of meet-ups, sharing of "news", having fun fun fun fun... I really haven't had anytime to do any reflection or some sort or to spend time with my inner soul.. talking to myself.. as you can see.. my blog has just been lists of updates on my activities... Writing is indeed a luxury when you've got a life! and yet no time to think abt what u are doing.. so... wat the heck! Screwd it! I love living in the NOW... not having to think abt consequences, with my gungho.. "Dun think, Just Do!" attitude.. it's my major flaw i have to say.. but some love it... some dun.... I enjoy the uncertainty, the unknown, the irony, the beginning of my new life ahead.. when i eventually join the workforce.. bouncing between the need for adulthood and the perky hyper self that u see after 12am.. or when i start getting stress.. I just go "nuts" literally.. but my friends say that they are entertained.. like those times when i start talking to my own jacket.. rattle off non-stop thots in my head... laugh at every single stupid thing which has no link... U will still love me won't ya? ;) Humor is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does. ~ Bill Nye
![]() ![]() ~* Thursday, June 23, 2005 *~ Heya all... My lappy is going crazy.. ganna virus so this explains why my blog pics are so disorganized... and won't be able to blog til I get my baby up and running.. so I'm so sad... when loads of interesting stuff happening! Haha... like guess who i bumped into and who called me today!? my gosh!!.. update ya later! ![]() ![]() ~* Wednesday, June 22, 2005 *~ ![]() ![]() ~* Tuesday, June 21, 2005 *~ Finally, I found myself time to blog.. it's been a mad rush all week.. wondering where shld i even begin?! okie let me start from tues.. Angie is finally back from traveling Europe, meet up with her for Gelato but didn't have a chance for those juicy tales when we bumped into Yi-ren.. then later off to watch PCK at indoor stadium.. well, it's not really up to international standard for a musical, a far cry from Miss Saigon.... so, i think it's a waste of $$.. But mine was for Charity fundraising so at least it's for a good cause! Then barely enough sleep it's off to M'sia.. sleep all the way on the bus even thru' the all the singing from pangster & gorilla.. yes.. they were singing with their guitar on the bus! My church camp was GREEEAAATTT!!! Well, a definite nourishment for my soul.. in touch with my spiritual side.. with many dialogues with God.. my life has taken a whole new turn.. many revelations made during this trip such as: 1) I'm sticking to Audit 2) I'm going to take up counseling... not for myself, i'm normal! But i feel i can learn more to help others.. cos it seems to be a natural thing for me... like i'm easy to talk to most of the time...& i enjoy talking! 3) I'm going to Make A Difference! This is for real... Trust me.. it's my secret between me & God.. not gonna let u in on this one! ;) During the trip, made lots of other new friends.. with my group mates and even won the 1st game which is similar to the Amazing Race... and also new "enemy".. cos i started a Sabo for Jiamin on her birthday.. being her roommate.. I gotta help her make her birthday memorable rite? First, a smash of chocolate cake in her face, then off to toilet when the rest throw cornflour on her, but thanks to james good 'aiming' skills, i had one big shot right in my face! For the finale... a gave her a shower of blessings in the bathroom! Really mess up the room, we couldn't even sleep in it.. but made sure we left a big tip b4 we left.. It was a great bonding & sharing for our CG that really help us understand each other better.. they're like my spiritual family... it's amazing how we have all change over the past few months.. and i'm sure of more to come! Sat reached hm really late due to the queue at 2nd link.. & the delayed bus.. took loads of pics.. update later k. On sunday, i worked on a last minute event job at the Zoo.. half zombified.. i went to work from 7:30am-5pm.. This time i was station at the children arts & craft booth..where we had button badges making, children's colouring compeitition & treasure hunt... nice to be around kids once in the while.. they are so sweet & adorable.. I almost feel like i want some of my own.. haha Today, was working at my aunt's clinic.. a busy morning... now back hm to rest.. I'm starting to pack my luggage for my Australia trip for 20 days! I'm looking forward to it! Still recuperating from my lack of sleep of only 4-5 hrs and adjusting from my new "spiritual high"... to daily life... it's been a wholesome past week! :D ![]() ![]() ~* Sunday, June 19, 2005 *~ ![]() ![]() ~* Tuesday, June 14, 2005 *~ Sorry abt my yesterday outburst as seem from my last entry, many of you have been asking me wat happen but well it's just a moodswing which lasted like an hour the with some therapetic reading i'm doing fine... Thanks for your concern! I have finally done and submited my internship report! Phew! I have finish packing my bag for my Malaysia trip.. heading to Seremban, I'll be staying at the Royal Adelphi Hotel from wed to sat.. so won't be able to blog for the next few days... and i will have to do without my internet and msn and emails and surfing! I'm like an online creature having the need to go online for at least once everyday.. I guess it's my addiction. Not healthy! I was talking to a close friend from Australia.. and we were talking about this gal whom i had a history with. He says i'm petty and should remain friend with her instead of letting it affect what we once have. Well, i have gotta over it, forgive and forget everything but then some friends come and go... I dun think it is worth my effort in trying to work things out and become like best friends again... because it'll never be the same again. Sighz... if only things were not that complicated. But one thing i cannot accept is betrayal... so i do not see a point.. There is this another friend whom i thot is one of my bestest friend but it turns out that when i needed help.. not anything big mind you... but the person just pretend that nothing happen and do not offer you any help.. Cheez.. disappointment... yeah but some times the true colours just comes out.. I mean your friend is not obligated to help you but yet at the same time you would expect the return of favours when you are in trouble.. expectations, but we do need to have that isn't it? am I being calculative? but if they can't see you thru SMALL little things then how can you count on them for the big ones... so i should be careful of who i allow into my heart.. I think it is part of human nature to evaluate our relationship with others... I do love my friends so it does hurt if they fall short of my expectations which i must say are kind of minimal... but i'll just go along with it.. B'cos.. me and my stupid soft-heartedness... but with caution.. dun wanna be made used of... it ain't nice! ![]() ![]() ~* Monday, June 13, 2005 *~ I can't sleep... just thinking abt someone/pple/past... Some pple I love/hate Wish i could erase them from my mind/memory Why did i even start? I feel like getting out of my skin to a state of euphoria To take a smoke/drink/drug overdose to ease the thots/feelings I wonder if it's cos my insomia/overthinking/boredom/fantansy Was okie just now... but they say... it's a matter of perspective/perception My thots are flooded with emotions/feelings drenched in thots I wanna get away/nearer/shut down/space out... ![]() ![]() I'm in a cheery mood today.. putting on my floral skirt and a bright green top and a red jacket to top it off... a rather nice combi i must say... with a healthy tan, a glow on my face and smile on my face... I love sundays... today especially with the clear skies and bright sunny weather.. Meet up with Raji, one of my more normal friend in JC whom i'm still in touch with... I brought her to try Ding Tai Fong... at least she is adventurous with food a rare fine for a indian gal... Making our life updates on our current anf future plans and happenings. She has proceeded to take her bike license which i have comtemplated but never went thru' with it as my parents are so against it, I've got my car anyway.. so maybe not in the meantime.. But i was thinking of having my very own pink vespa scooter... This meeting has made me think about how much each of us has changed and grown over the years.. now Raji is working me soon joining the work force... then bump into Alex's mom... wierd but just greeted her with a simple hello... time just flies by u know... Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experience and invest them in the future. - Jim Rohn Oh man, it's been a while since i've been in town over the weekend, it's damn noisy and crowded.. with nuisance around every corner! Everywhere there are booths/tents playing loud music, pple handing out flyers, creating blockage along the walkway... I could barely hear myself over the music.. it's overwhelming!! Then finally manage to meet up with Ling... it's been weeks since i last saw her! My closest cousin.. but she got her own issues to deal with.. i could only offer my advice and a listening ear.. hope she works it out.. it's draining on my part too! But it still feel comfortable being around my own flesh and blood... she's like my sister more than anything... she has seen me thru all my ups and downs... And I have yet to start on the stupid internship report... i'm just gonna leave it to tomorrow.. i'm upset that the accountancy have suspended my sch email a/c due to some spam emails... so irritating! Now laying on my bed... reflecting on my day, I feel that everything are all falling appropriately in place, I love the way things are going.. the way it is heading... Simple happiness is an understatement but Exhilaration is too extreme. It kinda of like "Simphilaration".. the middle of the two.. a new word added to the "Maddy Lingo"... :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ~* Sunday, June 12, 2005 *~ Out stretch a new path untaken, The uncertainty of its depth and distance... This is something I have to try for once, As though I'm set in a trance... With the sun beaming on the waters, Reflecting its sheer wonders... I swum on to reach my furthest Swimming into the deepest unknown... By Maddy Wan I had inspiration for this while i was swimming all across to the strip of land across from sentosa... well... not anything big like climbing Mount Everest! But not many pple would even wanna try it.. cos it's so near yet so far, so safe yet there have been instances where pple actually drown in the shallow mulky waters.... ![]() ![]() I'm now a half baked lobster from all the sun at sentosa... the weather's great.. meet some really friendly easy going... new friends... they are all in the "family" except Jeremy & me... we are the "newbies"... haha... yeah but really had a fun time! With my beloved Jiayi... so nice of her to ask me along! :D But as usual... I still dun have any pics.. had to steal from her blog... so post one only today... will update after i get the rest! Well, meet someone who is such a strong resemblance of Mr. you know who.... it's wierd sometimes eh? some pple just remind ya of some other people... not sure whether it's a good thing or bad thing though... Meet some rather cute Japanese boys... haha... played volley boy with them.. and then they are very on! so it made the game quite interesting.. while we tried to communicate with them with hand signals... it's like a game of charade! but this is worst.. I dun think they get much of wat we were saying.. thank goodness got Jiayi.. she knows elementary japanese... at least can get out the very basic conversations.. like Holiday? Age? Name? um... haha... mostly abt that! Then lasted the whole day on Mac breakfast so went off to have dinner at Sakae Sushi!! "Oishi Na!!"... it was til dunno who started the topic on ghost sightings.. wah lau... so woo liaoz... then make me scared to go hm... haha.. so i went Goodwood Park Hotel for coffee instead... I have this really fantastic Durian ice-cream, with durian roll... 2 big ones!! Oh man.. now all guilty from my hearty dinner + dessert extranvangaza! Shit man.. reach hm suppose to do my internship report.. but i'm so brain dead and tired... how?!?! Sleep first! I'll deal with that tomorrow!... ![]() ![]() ~* Saturday, June 11, 2005 *~ Our pics from our Gals Nite In... Now i'm too tired to blog.. my cold is back. need to rest so that i can go to sentosa tomorrow! off to Zzzzz... ![]() ![]() ~* Friday, June 10, 2005 *~ Tonite having a stayover... I've made my room very romantic.. with jasmine aromatherapy candles, lights out... with Bacardi Breezer in one hand, the other hand free to munch on kettle chips, hot & spicy calbee and pringles! Wah.... the night is half gone.. and after our drinks... not much effect but we are getting sleepy... tonite a nite of gal talk... with our agreement on the topic on guys... the perfect one is however not the right one... so waiting for Mr. Right... it's worth it... Then we watch "Finding Nemo"!!... so cute.... i love the show.. well, just a short note for tonite.. it's going well... we shld have this monthly!! next time gotta get more alcohol.. 1 bottle... definitely not enough! haha..... Good nite... gonna get back to my gal talk...Ta Ta! ![]() ![]() ~* Thursday, June 09, 2005 *~ Maddy Dearest is down with a cold... from too much going out... finally! It's a sign that i shld be resting more.. today ganna put aeroplane twice!! haha... but watever.. maddy always have other things she can do... I went to thread my eyebrow instead and to the gym... but then who knows! I caught a cold after my 3 km run... wah lau... Til now.. my nose hasn't stopped running... suppose to wanna go out leh.. i got the mood for supper.. to watch movie.. Mr & Mrs Smith... BRAD PITT!!!! wah... I'm drooling! then Angelina Jolie... wat a babe!.. i'm getting crappy.. but my brain not functing.. after my medicine... gonna concuss alrdy... my nose is peeling from all the rubbing with the tissue... i just wanna go out have fun.. now wanna stay up watch all the good soccer tonite also cannot!! Wah pian!... Well, hope i will be better after a good nite of rest... then tomorrow i can go blading, go prayer meeting, have my gal's nite in stayover.. i'm so looking forward to it... now i'm only left with a faint hope and a red nose... :( Anyway.. my friends just came back from a mission trip from indonesia.. wow! It seems like such an amazing experience.. and so much fun as well.. here is Sharon's live journal on the trip.. wow! so inspiring... i also wanna go!!! ![]() ![]() ~* Wednesday, June 08, 2005 *~ A great blading session with Cheryl in the afternoon.. great weather... wooo... But that gal, nv eat anything b4 we went then nearly faint! haha... next time b4 u wanna attempt any exercise.. pls pls friends! Grab a bite!.. never go empty stomach... Anyway, I've got a nice tan now.. We were blading around from one end to the other.. a good workout! I was working my butt off... hopefully its round and lean now! And i'm heading blading again on thurs...then this sat going to sentosa with Jiayi!! Woo Hoo!!!... I love my holidays... I love this slacking job indeed! Then met up with Uncle Mel, Mel Hair, Tamz for dinner... so warm and fuzzy... I love this bunch! Now wat's missing is only angie who is coming back on the 10th!! Finally!!! She has been gone so long... she's my babe.... wonder what she looks like now.. haven't seen her for like 6 months!! then on my way home with tamz.. was telling her abt this possible some1 i'm thinking abt.. wonder if it is really true... well, keep my fingers cross and see how it goes... with so many pple around me getting married! I wonder if it will be my time soon... well, some things dun have to think abt it... when it comes it comes.. haha... Tsk! My life so happening now! I dun need a bf man!!... I just need more time to do more things... but thanks to my great organization skills my time is always fully utilised! Met up with some of the gang at reski later.. then after that went shopping at Mustafa!! Never really been there before.. I feel like a tourist! There is still so many pple at like 1am who is also shopping there... couldn't believe my eyes... we walk like nearly the whole place then went off to have supper at "Zhu Zhai Tang" at lavender... of cos not missing our usual crapping the whole nite... + all the "qian ban won da ti"... to make me laugh til my stomach ache!! hahaha... Finally home sweet home... going to sleep and hopefully can recover from all the pimples.. hee hee.. haiz.. stupid exams make me so stress! Btw, AT is out! & I am satisfied with my results... :D ![]() ![]() ~* Tuesday, June 07, 2005 *~ Isn't this an artistic shot? I took this when we went to prego or lunch... Um.. I am artistic k! ![]() Love doesn't just sit there like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. - Ursula K. LeGuin This one I took isn't too bad either... the simple elegance of the loaf and olive oil... ahhh... fine dining... This one Jia Yi took for me... so cute the doggy.. at cityhall lego exhibition... looking at the lego displays and the kids at it.. just brings back my childhood memories.. of building up crazy objects.. imaging space crafts, "designer buildings", super sonic vehicles... Um... I like lego.. got so many colours, so many ways to play it... ![]() ![]() ~* Monday, June 06, 2005 *~ I stared hard at it, With a sense of deja vu.. Looking hard at it, thinking thru'.. of how it reminds me of you Is it a bitter sweet memory or just something out of the blue that i can only tell when my day is through... By poet daydreamer ME Today i was working at my aunt's clinic and i came across a certain something that reminded me of someone special who used to be in my life... sigh... memories memories... is it a sweet reminder or is it a burden? I dun know... sometime just wished i could go along life without remembering.. it's not that i live with regrets but maybe it's cos i dun want anything to hold me back... i'm always two sides of a coin... my feelings all jumbled up.. swinging from one extreme to the other... What can I say? I'm am emotional being... I thrive on feelings.. The Highs & Lows... It completes who i am... ![]() ![]() This day was over as fast as how it begin... a day filled doing all that comforts my soul... Begins well with church.. it is good to alway start with the BEST.. GOD A breeze thru the day with a gallop on the Horse.. Riding away in the sunset... Later into the nite it all ends well with conversations with my life dearest.. my parents, my best friends... Each of them having a special place in my heart... Wat i tried at horseriding today: I can now Cantor(Term used in English riding for a three beat gait. This is the same as a lope or slow gallop in Western discipline riding.) and do a good Trot(A two-beat gait.) Too bad no camera today.. and it's my last lesson.. i'm really sad.. i'm gonna miss riding i intend to pursue this interest after I start work.. wish me luck! The reflections on a day well spent furnish us with joys more pleasing than ten thousand triumphs. - Thomas à Kempis ![]() ![]() ~* Sunday, June 05, 2005 *~ This has been a non-stop 2 days since i finish my exams... but I'm feeling FABULOUS!!! After exams it's started with a very good hearty lunch with Jiayi & Cherish at Prego... then went off to have coffee at the comfy place at pacific coffee to surf net, relax, talk nonsense.. you know just NUAH... you know i kinda forgot how it feels like alrdy... cos i'm always occupied with work, with projects, with school.... now I'm officially a full time slacker!! Then today was great too... today spend helping out at my aunt's clinic.. for the extra spending cash$$ (*Ke Ching!*)... simple job of attending to patients, simple administrative tasks, chit chatting with the auntie colleagues... they are so nice... then I meet up with newly made friends today for lunch.. spending most of my time with Serene... a very sweet, pretty gal.. who has a damn good shopping stamina... better than mine i think.. something hard to beat i tell ya! Yes yes.. I went to Prego again for dinner.. then this coming tues heading there again... Goodness.. going there 3 times a week!! all thanks to the "Feed the Raffles" card and the 1 for 1 discount... i love their high ceiling, ambience and food there... I confess.. I'm a Pig!! After that went shopping haha.. Again!! this time with Tammy at marina square... we had a great time.. i bought more then I ought to.. heee hee.. buying a singlet which i much needed.. then for my stay over this thursday at my place.. i bought aromatherapy candles and 4 passionately red wine glasses... not exactly the real thingy but i really like the colour! It'll be great to use whenever i invite friends over for drinks & to chill out! then intend to really set the mood for my room this thursday.. it's going to be the The Best Girls Nite In Ever! i'm so excited! Oh man.. this is only the begining... the whole week alrdy fully booked already... haha.. ain't i suppose to be resting this holidays? But who cares when i'm on TOP of the World!! Even the quiz results match!
![]() ![]() ~* Saturday, June 04, 2005 *~ Today God told me that i was finally home... home with him.. wow! It's amazing i tell ya! This led me to ponder more deeply on what it means to be home... Is home where the heart is? This is a topic which is heatedly debated on in our global society... where one may have multiple citizenship, or homes all over the world with relatives, friends, our footprints crossed over many roads that paths meets... Home is not a place however.. because you know our existence on earth is not eternal.. it is deeper than that.. not sure if it's for most.. but for me particularly... Home is where you are accepted as you are, where you are at ease.. where not only ur heart but your soul finds its place.. a completeness of wholeness... We are never complete in ourselves.. seeking the missing something from another... This is however not found in man.... or possessions... or in self... It can only be completed with our Maker... which is our source of existence... I'm found mine today.. have u found yours? ![]() ![]() ~* Thursday, June 02, 2005 *~ Today was spent studying in sch with Jiayi.. not very productive though... but at least we had a good time.. haha... talking rubbish.. taking spastic pics again.. and okie we did study! My Bestest Friend & Me Absorbing the Warmth of the Sun In the Open The day is over and 1 more day left for AT exam.. my last paper... We intend to celebrate it in Glamour! haha.. heading down to prego for some good makan... then wah busy week ahead for me.. so many things to do! Yes.. i'm very well organized.. have it all almost planned out alrdy.. an activity a day.. but mostly more than 1.. haha.. I gotta enjoy myself while i can rite! :P For the rest of you who have papers left.. All the best! For those of you working... Um.. weekend is near.. hang in there!! Had a really wierd dream last nite abt cars... must be the show i watch on Discovery on "RIDES" i love it!... but yeah i dreamed of my car being able to move off by itself.. it just come alive! then i had to brave all danger to go stop it from driving off on its own... then more than 1 attempt to park it but then it tried to escape! haha... but it was Fun! I didn't wanna wake up... wonder wat dream i'll be having tonite.. seeya in "Maddy Land".... Good Nitezy... One last note... "In Midst of Watever You Are Doing... Dun Forget To Stop To Smell The Flowers" ![]() ![]() ~* Wednesday, June 01, 2005 *~ ![]() First it was dinner of seafood lasagne, prawn pasta & mash potatoe pie at coffee club... ![]() Not forgetting the best Mud Pie in Town for Dessert! ![]() Then another round of supper at You Tiao Da Wang... ![]() Then lastly super sumptious mega supper at chomp chomp... ![]() All for our Dear Friend Lee.. he is going back to Brunei tomorrow... too bad i'm having exams now.. can't send ya off... We'll all gonna miss ya... ![]() Then this is totally irrelevant.. but yeah... my fav car... my dream... the BMW... z4... but i still prefer the z3 though.. more classic... ![]() ![]() Today just had my Advance Management Accounting... similar to my prof teaching style.. the exam is mainly open-ended questions... no structure but can fit pretty much of everything under the topic if u can organize well... with 2 hr 30 mins... you know the usual cramming of all condense info you have studies over the last few weeks is vomitted back on paper.. where our grade is; our intelligence on the subject is defined... quantify... but that the reality of wat we students face... Not knowing how the prof is going to give u marks or whether... he is bias or not.. most of my academic life.. seems to be that you do better if the prof likes you or if you like the prof... some may say it's due to psychological effect.. u wanna do better if you like the prof and in turn the subject.. Well, everything can be psychological if you put it that way... Yesterday was spent.. buried in books, in wandering thots (do u daydream more when u actually have work to do?!), in snacking the stress away, occasionally flicking on the TV, checking emails in case just in case there is something important (yeah rite!)... You know it's my last week of my academic life as a full time student.. i hate to leave.. i hate to have to enter into adulthood.. to conquer a world full of realism, responsibilities, livelihood, money-mindedness (Literally!), politics.. into the school of hard knocks... How i wish i can live my life of bliss... as a student.. with the flexibility of self-employed.. you are your own boss.. only having to answer to yourself if things goes wrong... but if u dun screw up too bad.. it is quite smooth sailing mainly... where money comes with an outstretch hand (But i also know this does not come easily.. so i do spend wisely).... where you can dream of what u may become one day.. with lots of hopes, aspirations because you are at the starting point where everything is possible... But these are quickly whiz away when the real life out there hits you.. when u can't get that dream job.. when money is running low... when things are that rosy... Life ain't a bed of roses.. haiz... welcome to the working world maddy....embrace it! ![]() ![]() |